100 Things I Rather Do Than Follow The Advice of 222

Alesha Peterson
23 min readFeb 20, 2022



No. Just no 222.

Seeing 222 is a message about love. This could be a sign that you’ve had your heart broken in the past.

The pain you felt after a breakup was so bad that now you are more protective of who you let into your heart.

When around your friends or family you are very social, easy to talk to, and extroverted. Yet, other times you are reserved, quiet, and tired.

When you meet someone new it takes time before they become part of your “inner circle” of friends. They need to earn your trust first. You are selective of who gets to know the “real” you.

The same can be said for your romantic relationships. Your heart has been broken too many times and you cannot bear to think about going through another painful breakup.

Although you might not realize it yet, your guardian angel has been sent down to protect you and guide you in a new direction.

God made a promise to us long ago, called a covenant, that he would not harm us. Seeing 222 is a clear sign that God is about to heal your broken heart. He wants you to open your heart to love and shine your light for others.

God wants you to enjoy the world He created with someone you love. So if you have been seeing the number 11 often, this tells me God is working on your current relationship. (Hopefully it’s the relationship with my current group of stray cats and squirrels?)

He may be guiding you to someone new that will lift you up and bring the best out in you each day. God created you with a full and generous heart. Even though you have had your heart broken in the past, you do not keep a record of wrong doings. (This is true, everyone makes mistakes and I don’t sweat the petty shit. If it’s major things and it keeps happening over and over again, and they are not sorry, I’ll wish them the best and keep my distance. I refuse to be a doormat. )

You are still hopeful that your soulmate is still out there waiting for you. (Not true, but I’m not going to kill the vibe. Men stopped being my project years ago and I’m ok with being a life-long bachelorette. But it’s cute and romantic for other people though. If you see number 11 frequently, it means you are sensual, gentle, passionate, and romantic. If you insist, but I’m loving towards animals.)

No thank you. No….

*Some of these will be funnier than others

Here’s 100 things I would rather do than follow the romantic advice of 222 (and any other angel number that decides to make a grand entrance with a romantic message).

(If you don’t have a sense of humor, or get offended easily, don’t read. Just don’t because I go completely off the rails in this one, no holding back. Again, some of these serious, some funnier than others.)

1. I rather take my chances with the Sentinelese.

2. Omicron variant, I rather kiss the variant on the lips.

3. I rather join the military and come back in a box.

4. I rather visit North Korea.

5. I rather skydive even though I have a terrible fear of heights.

6. I rather walk through Death Valley

7. I rather visit Syria

8. I rather eat McDonald’s and break my 20 year break from eating their hamburgers

9. I rather free climb.

10. I rather vacay in hell.

11. I rather someone run me over and leave the scene. God speed. Don’t leave no evidence and hope no cameras are around.

12. I rather walk the streets of Afghanistan.

13. I rather have a criminal record.

14. I rather visit South Sudan

15. I rather be dropped in a volcano.

222, just no. F*ck no.

You did the best with what you could do with the knowledge that you had at that time.

to becoming cold-hearted and closed off to your natural divine right to love and abundance.

Are you suggesting I naively trust, rely, and put a blindfold on myself for others in the same way and…lose a home again, lose stability again, be naïve again, financially ruined, embarrassed, no car, mentally and spiritually devastated, burnout and grief, and then some. When you experience something devastating and life-altering the several times, shouldn’t that be enough to not want to go through it again? Exactly.

It’s so bad that I can’t even come up with the appropriate words in the English language to come up with the way I still feel about it, but I’m going to keep trying. I remember falling down and scarring my elbow and while it physically hurt nothing compared to the mental hurt; It feels like anguish that will not ever go away, like it pierced my spirit and ripped my life out of my body. My chest got so tight one time that I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I don’t know about the people reading this, but that felt really bad, and I like breathing. I don’t want to feel that tightness ever again.

And by putting my foot down I can avoid 3/4 of this by just taking charge and just taking the horse at the helm, you’re suggesting I put myself in a risky position just because? It’s not worth it to me, the costs are too high, and I rather keep some self-respect and dignity. I feel like if I trust at that level it would be a betrayal of my own hurts, and it’s like walking on fire, unstable grounds. When you take manners into your own hands and controlling your own destiny, you have a lot of options. I was so stupid for falling for these lies and falling for the belief that they really cared. Nowadays, I rather have my own then depend on anyone else.

You learn at a very early age you can’t depend on the people around you for anything. You have to become independent. Then you feel like nothing goes right unless you do it yourself so you pull yourself so high that you don’t need anyone anymore. -Delightful_Stormm

Fool me once, same on them. Fool me twice, same on me. I refuse to voluntarily repeat the same mistakes over and over. 222 are you insane? I think they are suggesting I’m having these experiences because I’m refusing to open up. No, shit just happens that’s outside our control. My friends and family have no idea how bad it was after “opening up” because I didn’t overly whine, complain, burden, or make long statuses on Facebook. I know there’s plenty of single abundant people and that’s where I’m staying for now. I’ll look out and protect myself because the guides or anyone for that matter is not looking out.

I have trauma. So what? What is the solution? I depend on another person AGAIN and they hurt me AGAIN and then I go through the whole process of healing myself again? No thanks. I better be hella independent.-Guns and Roses

I would be crazy to voluntarily put myself through all that again. No way in hell. Lets continue with my list shall we.

16. I would rather be waterboarded.

17. I would rather be pistol whipped.

18. I would rather be hand-cuffed and hogged tied. And sat on by the same hog.

19. I would rather be colder than a witch’s titty in a brass bra.

20. I would rather climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

21. I rather become vegan.

22. I rather get my wisdom tooth pulled awake without pain meds, I’ll cold turkey deal with the pain.

23. I rather chase a tornado, and the tornado actually gets me. (I haven’t decided if I want to be running towards the tornado or drive towards it.)

24. I rather be in a hurricane.

25. I rather get my finger smashed in a door (trust me it will heal, it was by mistake)

26. I rather keep investing in forex

27. I rather keep investing in real estate

28. I rather get stung by a wasp bee.

29. I rather walk through a bee hive without protection from being stung

30. I rather walk through land mines.

31. I rather try an MLM (I’m not a huge fan of this business model to be transparent, but I’ll date an MLM first, get ripped off, and make an appearance on Dr. Phil so everyone can laugh at how stupid it was).

32. I rather get stung by a scorpion.

33. I rather eat pickles, and I hate pickles. They gave me food poisoning once and I been staying away from them, but I’ll take my chances.

34. I rather get a staple in my thumb. Did this before and I was just fine.

35. Being alone is better than the consequences I dealt with from trusting outside sources. I rather be ball girl, clean floors, and empty out the trash after the games for the Hoosiers, and let my family see me cleaning. (Go Hoosiers!). That’s not as embarrassing as the burning I felt from getting burned in relationships. Just take my word for it, guys it was baddd.

36. Nobody gives me butterflies anymore. Y’all just give me trust issues. I rather relocate without any forwarding address. I rather appear on Dr. Phil after giving a rip-off artist tens of thousands of dollars.

37. I rather go to all the restaurants that gave me food poisoning and try them again.

38. Your soulmate is out there manifesting you. This person has missed you for a long time and dreams about you. Are you ready to receive? No, the thought of a guy dreaming of me is a nightmare lmfao. I rather go to a sewer plant, roll around in those bio-chemical elements that claim to be deadly, and set my heart on fire. Trust me I’m not the one and don’t want to be. My soulmate is my dog. I hope he finds the woman he is looking for, best wishes my dear.

39. Real love is coming into your life. As soon as I saw this, I contacted the underground shelters you can go to when an bomb attack happens to see if there is any space available. I rather go to one of those and lock/superglue the door behind me.

40. I rather touch a poisonous frog and take my chances. Nothing was as deadly feeling when I was open and vulnerable without fear, it was to the point where I don’t want to be at the place in question anymore, because if I do I relive the suffering as if it was happening in that exact moment. NO.

41. You can find a love that’s solid, real, safe and good for you. Nourishing to your soul in places and to depths that you haven’t touched in quite some time. I rather invest in Plus One or Trojan vibrators and see if we can come up with a super child of those two companies.

42. Love does not equal pain. Financial ruin, not being able to afford the basics, scholarships being taken away, lifelong dreams being sucked away from you (it’s was out of your control), being afraid to ask for help because of all the hoops and repercussions that come with it, lawsuits, health issues, eviction notices, emotional and mental abuse, lies, broken promises, credit card debt, student loan debt, sexual assault and harassment, and so much more I could list are painful. I respectfully disagree. Speak for yourself. I rather get bit by a fire ant. It took me a longgg time to get to a descent place, with some areas that are still damaged and I’m not going to F*ck it up over some bullsh*t.

43. If I do slip up, I have a couple of people that will come beat me up. I rather get hit in the face, and take another round house kick to the shins in a martial arts tournament, which is not as painful as the agony I dealt with after painful breakups. (And off the record they both hurt but it eventually healed).


45. The risk of getting hurt again is something you feel in your heart very deeply. You’ve set up your life now where it is hard to let someone in. You can open up and possibly get hurt. The smartest thing the assessment said. I rather take my chances and participate in the running of the bulls and get gnawed than risk that level of pain again.

46. You don’t get hurt very often anymore, and you feel quite safe from drama and pain. I slightly disagree, I do have feelings, I just don’t feel safe opening up around most people (thanks life). I find that the more I stay away from most people, the less trauma I experience. With that being said, I rather swim with stingrays (keeping in mind I don’t swim. I’ll take my chances and drown then).

47. The person you love may or may not love you back. They may be in your life for a long time or they may not. They may be loyal and faithful or they may leave you at the curb. When you open your heart to someone special, you might be appreciated, laughed at or downright skewered. Exactly. This is why I rather get bit in the face by one of my outdoor cats, at least I know they will come back for food at least.

48. It is certainly wise to not let someone walk all over you. We applaud you for that. That protective cloak that you put over your heart, that may feel familiar and cozy, is also keeping your soulmate away. He can’t get in. He can’t see you, feel you, even find you. What if you don’t want to be found? I rather disappear and end up on a missing show, just to show up and be found years later at a monk monastery in the mountains of China or Hong Kong (Google Grandpa Gohan for details.)

49. If you’re ready to move forward in your love life, then it’s time to move past your comfort zone and practice COURAGE. My version of courage: I rather take a car and drive across the country by myself and rescue all the animals I see along the way, my version of courage, and drive up a muddy mountain with the risk of going over the curve. I rather be courageous by investing and doing things by myself. I rather lose some money in investments (knowing that you can lose your money when you invest) then trust any guy with my livelihood.

50. You want to remain open to love but protect yourself emotionally: not a bad idea, right? Honor your sensitive self. Appreciate your steady-headed nature. You are loyal and kind, and once you give your love to someone, he is the luckiest guy in the world, because you are “all in”! I find that my soulmate is my dog, the best man ever. Us humans don’t deserve dogs and cats, and don’t you dare reveal to the world how giving, steady, loyal, kind, and sensitive I can be, that’s a heavily guarded secret only for my animals to know about. I rather get bit in the face by my dog. And still, 1 breakup in particular is still so painful that it feels like it’s still happening, and 10 of my dog bites don’t compare to that. I’ll take the shot that comes with getting bit.

51. I rather forget my lines on set and lyrics on stage. That embarrassment is still isn’t as bad as the embarrassment and repercussions of believing the lies guys and people have told me.

52. No one gives me butterflies anymore. I rather eat cat food out of a can.

53. I rather eat dog food.

54. I rather walk up the hills in San Francisco.

55. I rather ride down the hills fast in San Francisco.

56. I rather go through frat hell weeks and sorority rushes at the same time with a 1.0 GPA. (All versions, Panhellenic, National Pan-Hellenic Council BGLOs, and Multi-cultural Council, because even all the bad stories I heard doesn’t top the experiences I had in those particular situations.)

57. I rather attempt all the military hell weeks. From the workouts I’ve done with military friends, I rather do 1000 pushups, run 100 miles, then take the romantic advice of 222. (I did it before and my muscles was only sore for a week, not bad).

58. Yes, you’ve been really hurt and may even be afraid of getting out there again. You’ve been burned in love before, so you won’t let anyone get close to you for fear of getting hurt again. Exactly. I rather take my chances and drive my car off the Golden Gate/State Bridge, or a bridge that’s high enough for dare devils and escape my car as a personal challenge.

59. I rather look up the worst crime areas in the USA and take my chances and walk down those particular streets at the height of when the crime seasons/times happen.

60. I rather wear Depends underwear. Used or new, don’t matter.

61. I rather live in a nursing home.

62. I rather get my teeth knocked out by someone making their hands in a fist and delivering one to the lips without the anesthesia. A knuckle sandwich is not as bad as losing your confidence and self-esteem. Take my word that mental, emotional, psychological pain is 100% worst than physical.

63. Don’t give up on love, don’t clam up. People forget that romantic love isn’t the only kind of love, and at this point, the love from my animals is stellar. Speaking of this, I rather test my running skills and run from elephants charging directly at me.

64. I know a lot of people out there that really want romance and it’s #1 on their list. I want it for you and I’m sending positive vibes for your happiness. I can also look and admire your relationships without wanting to be in one myself. So I rather take my chances . These ladies say they believe the key to living to over 100 is never marrying, and I’m totally on board with that. I’m totally on board with jumping overboard from a cruise ship in the middle of the Indian Ocean before marrying.

65. According to this article, single ladies are actually happier than society stays they are. Along with this one. I was so drained, scarred, and overwhelmed with the heaviness of it all I’d take my chances at bench-pressing a 200lb bench press and letting it lay on my chest, because the feeling I got from those situations was paralyzing. (By the way, I did bite off more than I can chew once and it did land on my chest. Still not as bad).

66. They said the only way to get over a broken heart is to fall in love again. So I fell in love with myself, the best relationship in my life (the one with my dog is pretty good too.) I rather swim in shark infested waters without the metal cage they use to protect themselves.

67. I rather lie in state alive at the rotunda. Not sure how a private citizen can pull this off but I’ll find out before following the romantic advice of 222.

68. I rather pay money for those real estate seminars and it not work out. (Some out there says it’s scammy, but hey it worked for some people.)

69. I rather pay money for those get-rich-quick-schemes and it not work out. (Some out there says it’s scammy, but hey it worked for some people.)

70. I rather open up a Chase account.

71. I rather be the person they beat up during a gang initiation.

72. I rather go to Yemen, without a hijab on my head and take my chances.

73. I rather take my chances and drink the water up at Flint, Michigan. With my experiences in dating, I lost a few brain cells, and would have to lose a lot more to re-consider putting myself in that position again.

74. I rather them post my mugshot all over the news. And it goes viral. I’m a Gemini, so I gotta make sure my pearly whites are ready for the camera.

Yep, I would scare everyone and I would smile for the camera to look good for my mugshot.

75. I rather hire a male escort and watch a friend’s mom turn up like it’s mom’s/dad’s weekend on a campus.

76. I rather be cast in a urinary incontinence commercial, and actually be the one using the products.

77. I would volunteer to get a colonoscopy.

78. I rather recite the lyrics of Ginuwine's pony in the middle of a church service.

79. Hang out in the smokers lounge at a restaurant or airport while recovering from surgery, and especially when the anesthesia doesn’t wear off for a couple of days.

80. I rather put hot sauce or shampoo in my eyes, while eating the hottest pepper in the world , and taking a jalapeño shower at the same time.

81. I rather tell family members that cleaning port-o-potties is my new career choice.

82. Walk barefoot on nails, heat, and snow.

83. Have a kid set up a home alone house for me (from both 1 & 2), and I go through every single trap she/he got set up. If I mention the magic word, they will set up the trap where I get hit in the head until my common sense is restored.

84. I rather be bootstrapped to a rocket on the outside of Elon Musk’s, Jeff Bezos, or Richard Branson’s ship companies as it goes up into space.

85. Be a target for a person first learning how to use bow and arrow (putting an apple on my head), U.S. Olympic Archery team, and/or any one that can’t hit a target well.

86. I rather get kicked in the face by a 6th degree black belt (but any degree is fine to be honest).

87. I rather be a target for an ax throwing competition.

88. I rather show up to my family reunions in a dog leash, a leotard (or leisure suit), play a role of an animal and eat out of a dog bowl in front of them.

89. I rather appear on a reality tv show like Maury, Jerry Springer, cops, or America’s Most Wanted.

90. I rather eat food that gives me diarrhea and not be able to find a restroom.

91. I rather get cut by a machelet or a pocket knife.

92. If LAPD advises people not to go to Los Angeles, I rather go back and ride the crime wave like a surfer girl (who knows I may end up on the news). I felt the most unsafe in relationships and situations where people claimed I would feel safe and I ended up getting ripped to shreds. It’s a painful and heaviness that I would rather not feel again.

93. Sleep with a jellyfish.

94. I rather put a boa constrictor or anaconda snake around my neck.

95. I root for other’s successes, even if they are happy and I’m not, I like to give and not look for anything in return, and I like to believe I’m a confident person. Those situations and relationship(s) made me literally lose my self-confidence, self-esteem, and it literally punched me in the gut and a knife went right through my heart. It was the first time I felt like I had no pride and it literally stopped me dead in my tracks. I truly believe I burned out all my energy reserves to the point where I rather keep my distance, go to a cave and be a cavewoman. I usually convince people around me that I’m fine because I don’t want to hurt them, and yeah there’s times I tell myself, hey you good. But I know I’m not gonna be for a long time after all that.

96. Chest tightening, nightmares, flashbacks, depersonalization, not being able to sleep through the night, reliving it as if it’s happening in this exact moment are no jokes. As soon as I got rid of the guys and situations in question, all of that eventually went away. Are you suggesting that I subject myself to harm because the world tells me or angel numbers tells me I’m missing out on something? I rather have food go down the wrong pipe, and then afterwards have that weird sandpaper feeling you get in the next few swallows.

97. I rather let relatives see me sleep in a car, because asking for help too many times over the years ended up being insulting, degrading and straight demeaning situations (I can’t even begin to start on the amount of times where I was condescended to, treated like I’m stupid, ignored, experiences not seen as valid or important enough and just feeling low. You are already in a bad situation, and now other people who supposedly claim they want to help you are putting you through changes for help too? The situations itself was punishment enough. I naively put myself in them, and I’m saying never again. (Some people keep re-marrying over and over again because they are afraid of being by themselves despite them having a pattern of not being able make their relationships work. I’m not this type, if something doesn’t work once, I’m one and done, eh…maybe twice if I’m under the influence of wine, tequila, or if I snort sour skittles, I have to have so much alcohol or drugs in my system I would have to be near death.).

98. I rather let relatives see me walking down the street without a car.

99. I rather let relatives see me at an homeless shelter, like Portland's homeless camps, Skid Row, or Atlanta's Gateway Center because the break ups was so bad and embarrassing that I fell from grace and lost a little bit of my dignity those days. Family members seeing me at a shelter will never be as embarrassing as I felt when I voluntarily let a guy take me on romantic rollercoaster. And when I openly loved a couple of situations without fear. I was totally naïve and unaware. It’s shameful, pathetic, and painful. If this is what vulnerably feels and looks like, I’m good. Angel numbers, stay away from me and quit with the false hope. I’m done with you, especially 222, you got some serious jokes.

100. I rather go to a homeless shelter than trust a guy with my life or hurt so deeply like that again. (I volunteer at them so I can make my lane in a corner anyways, then sing in my own little corner in my own little chair.).

101. 222, no. I rather get Harry Potter’s invisible cloak and hide.

102. I rather sing the star-spangled banner off key, and catch people’s reaction to it on camera, and make a video compilation of it. Repeat.

103. I rather Peppa Pig be my sugar daddy.

104. I rather Yogi Bear perform open heart surgery on me, with Tom, Jerry, Rocky and Bullwinkle administering the anesthesia.

105. I rather spend time behind a porcupine and let the needle quills hit me.

106. I rather get blown out by a skunk and deal with the smell for days.

107. I rather get hit by a car in New York City. You automatically get money for getting hit. At least you get some dough for your pain.

108. I rather ride the MARTA.

109. I rather cold turkey run the Boston Marathon without training before hand.

110. Take the LSAT & MCAT together

111. 111, no more romantic advice please. I rather run into a Christian relative during the Walk of Shame with make-up smeared.

112. And during the walk of shame, wear a tank top and short shorts in 22 degree weather in snow and ice in high heels.

113. Get a tattoo and Brazilian wax at the same time.

114. Total my car.

115. Ride a donkey to film sets and explain where my car is.

116. Have the fleas of any animal infest my armpits, then use a razor that’s over a year old on my armpits afterwards.

117. Spend a month in the NYC Subway in a tent. If 222 keeps saying my soulmate is coming, I’ll opt in to spend months in the NYC Subway and superglue my tent closed.

118. Use a tooth pick as eyeliner to apply honey as makeup. Then use a personal makeup kit and share it with other people on film sets.

119. Participate in a self-flagellation ceremony.

120. Scrap my knees on the ground after falling on a banana peel.

121. Perform a strip tease at a frat party, then post it on Facebook (it would be even better to Facebook Live it.)

122. Ride the Greyhound bus from New York To Los Angeles.

123. Buy underwear, bras, shoes from Goodwill and wear them.

124. Sleep on a maggot and leech infested mattress or couch.

125. Go through a haunted house blindfolded, then Facebook Live every fall down a flight a stairs I take.

126. Pour sulphuric acid down my nose.

127. Stub my toe, then put that same toe in 100+degree hot water.

128. Facebook live any and all of my procedures without novocaine or anasestia, including any future barium enemas, lumbar punctures, pimple poppings and more.

129. Get root canal a without an anesthetic.

130. Be reincarnated as a period pad.

131. I rather cat-call an angry bear, and tell it to come to mama in high heels. Shake my ass for that same bear and say come-on baby give me some sugar.

132. I rather be the blown up wheel on a car.

133. Hear the sounds failed engine on a car/damaged brake 24 hours a day.

134. Fall on a sleet of ice and strain an ankle, or if it breaks the hell with it (it happened once and recovery was surprisingly quick).

135. Drunk dial a religious person and tell them the Alamo is coming.

136. Get hit with a 2 by 4 while sleeping face down.

137. Get a time machine and attend a Jim Jones evangelical church service.

138. Wear my hospital gown to every Hollywood award show and gala as a fashion statement, and the only thing I have on is underwear.

139. Go commando while hitchhiking in Serbia.

140. Yell fire fire during a 90 day no talk retreat.

141. Use gasoline to wash my face.

142. I rather sing once, twice, three times a lady (Eddie Murphy, Buckweed style) in the back of police car, then sing not looking for love in all the right places, looking for love.

143. I rather be the passenger of everyone who’s getting a driver’s license, and with only a month experience have them drive me through Montana.

144. Carpool with anyone who doesn’t have a driver’s license at all.

145. Devote my life to dumpster driving

146. Run from North Korea to South Korea and live to tell about it.

147. Drive backwards on the highway at 90 miles per hour.

148. I rather have a full mouth restoration by G4 by Dr. Golpha without any anapestic before hand.

149. I rather stay in a car for 26 hours due to bad snow conditions.

150. Wait and see!

151. Wait and see!

152. Wait and see!

153. Wait and see!

Currently working on part 2, which will have 222. In other words, at this point I hope 222 gets the message lmfao. Some of the things I and my friends come up with after this will probably be worst than this list, so brace yourselves.

I’m going to leave the last 3 blank, trust me it’s filled out for part 2. I’m gonna leave y’all wanting more.

Thanks for the inspiration y’all (I wasn’t going to directly copy and paste like some of my friends suggested, but a lot of these are good, and if I did get an idea or two here and there, I made it my own as you can see….).

It’s 2022 🔥🙌

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Alesha Peterson
Alesha Peterson

Written by Alesha Peterson

Howdy! Entrepreneurship, fitness, music, acting, real estate, tequila & investing is sexy. Idea for an article? Input wanted! https://linktr.ee/aleshapeterson

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