7 Things To Build In Private
Mine borderline in secret.
Live in private.
Win in private
Be Happy in private
Eat in private
I’m going to take my dog out on doggie dates in private.
I’m going to love my dog in private.
According to Elite Daily & Manifesting Ninja’s Maria Concha,
As soon as you feel hesitant about claiming a dream you want, Concha encourages you to call BS.
She says, “Shed light on the subconscious beliefs that may be limiting you from seeing what you want to manifest in your life. Call those suckers out and reprogram them.”
Here are a few of her favorite questions to ask yourself when reprogramming your subconscious mind:
- Where did this belief come from?
- Is this absolutely true?
- What do I need in order to release this belief?
- What else is true instead that supports the opposite of this belief?
Daily Manifestation Quotes
- “I don’t chase. I attract. What belongs to me will simply find me.” — Sara Fiorvento
- “I am always open to opportunity.”
- “She believe she could, so she did.”
- “There isn’t anything that you cannot be or do or have.” — Abraham Hicks
- “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” — Wayne Dyer
- “Follow your heart, stay aligned with your source of being, and let the universe take care of the details.” — Wayne Dyer
Money Manifestation Quotes
- “What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become.” — Rhonda Byrne
- “Eliminate all doubt and replace it with the full expectation that you will receive what you are asking for.” — Rhonda Byrne
- “I am qualified for the career I want.”
- “The job I want is coming.”
- “I am a magnet for good things.”
- “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.” — Henry David Thoreau
How To Raise Your Vibration: (It’s December 2021 at the time of this writing, by the time you read this it will be May). From an old email.
As we move into the final few weeks of 2021, there is no better time to check in with your vibrational frequency,
And get clear on what kind of energetic output you are sending into the Universe, Alesha.
Can you look back over 2021 and pick out the good things that you are proud to have manifested?
What happened during the year that wasn’t so good? Are there things you thought you would do that you didn’t achieve?
What did you achieve? Where did you exceed your expectations, & where do you know you could have done better?
I recommend writing down all the things that stand out to you from the past year and being 100% honest with yourself about what was good and what could have been better.
The purpose of this review is not to beat up on yourself for the things you didn’t do, nor make you feel bad about anything that happened beyond your control.
The purpose of reviewing your year is to get clear on where you want to create change as we move into 2022,
And to inspire you to take control of your vibration and create the life you really want to be living next year!
Remember that you are always creating your future in every single moment.
Your life is your own creation, and you have the power to choose what it looks like!
If there are things in your life right now that you’re not happy with, you get to focus on what you do want to see there.
Instead and bring it into your reality. Remember that your dominant vibration is what feeds your energy & creates your future.
If you want more love, abundance, happiness, and good health — you need to be vibrating on their frequency.
Whatever you are feeling most of the time becomes your dominant vibration.
If you’re often worried, angry, or stuck in the past, it’s much harder to break the cycle,
And move up the emotional (and vibrational) scale to the higher frequencies of love, joy, and gratitude.
This knowledge is so powerful.
Instead of feeling bad about what you haven’t yet manifested, or worrying about how much you worry!
Decide right now to shift your vibration to a higher frequency.
That’s the beauty and magic of the Law of Attraction — it never stops working.
So at any moment, you get to shift your vibration, no matter what is going on in your life.
I find that getting excited about the power I have to create change in my life is what motivates me to actually implement action towards that change.
Let me give you an example:
Imagine that you told yourself at the beginning of January 2021 that this year you would lose 100 pounds, start meditating and write a novel.
Here we are in December, and you haven’t lost that weight, maybe you meditated a bit but didn’t get into a regular practice,
And you stopped and started writing but made no real headway on your novel.
Instead of feeling ashamed or guilty, you get to decide right now to create the change you wish you had seen this year.
You realize that only you have the power to make those shifts. You have to be 100% accountable for everything in your life!
Do not let that statement freak you out — instead, let it empower you.
I know it can be hard to shift old patterns of behavior, over-eating, procrastination on tasks, and any other long-held habits.
But one of the quickest ways to do so is to realize that if you want change, YOU are the only person that can create it.
No one is coming along to lose the weight for you, or to meditate for you, or to write the novel for you.
You have to understand that your power as a spiritual being in this Universe is immense.
You are far more powerful than you have ever realized!
Do you want to live your life making excuses for why things didn’t happen the way you dreamed,
Or do you want to be able to say that you did everything in your power to create change?
I believe that when you truly absorb and internalize the fact that you are responsible for creating your life.
You then empower yourself to make the changes that you want to see. Get excited by how powerful you are!
Remember these three things:
- You have to believe that you are worthy of the things you want.
- You have to believe that you have the ability to create change.
- You have to get a handle on your energetic frequency.
Here is a quick exercise to help you get into the habit of shifting your vibration fast.
- Write down three things that you are grateful for.
- Write down three things that you have manifested already.
- Write down all the ways in which you have made changes in your life for the better in your life to date.
Think of just one thing that you want to manifest next year.
(You can do this exercise for more than one thing, but it’s easier to focus on one thing at a time)
Say to yourself in your mind:
I can have this, and it comes easily. I can have this, and it comes easily. I can have this, and it comes easily.
Say it as many times as you like until you start to feel your vibration lift as you believe your words & shift into the vibration of ease and allowing.
Once you believe the ease with which things can come, they start showing up fast!
Remember — you hold all the power and strength within you to create change in your life, Alesha.
Go forward with firm self-belief, confidence, and high vibrational energy and live your best life.
It’s 2022 🔥🙌
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