I Want A Mentor. But Not This Type. I Won’t Be Desperate In Seeking You Out Either.

Alesha Peterson
3 min readOct 13, 2016

Hey There! My name is Alesha! This was technically supposed to be my 15th post. Oh well. As I was posting, I found a whole slew of posts I missed from my 1st blog post. I was trying to honor where I started and whoops. In order to clearly understand, it’s best to read these in this order. It’s almost like reading chapter 4 then jumping to 15 lol. More in likely another mistake will happen. I even tried waking up at 4 am to play catch up haha. Classic story of someone thinking they are better than you because they have more material items.

The last “true” mentor I had thought she was better than me.

Bottom line.

She was way too concerned with the title of mentor versus the actual relationship and it showed. Wow.

I was a project and something for her to do in her spare time. I still remember her walking though our house trying to see how much we had trying to compare what she had. It was how she acted that was disturbing. I’m up here and you’re down here. Not trying to defend her in anyway, but did she think bragging about her lifestyle was going to help me? I wonder if she realized how she was acting? She did not care about putting me down because in her mind her lifestyle is the right way to live, and any other way is just wrong or not ok. Too many people out here think exactly like her. What makes you happy doesn’t necessarily make me happy; in other words, your so called luxuries were things that I didnt care about, need, or care about in the first place. If I ever decide to get them because I genuinely want them, I can acquire those blessings on my own you wierdo. She needs to put those material items in its proper perspective. “This is what I have and here’s what you don’t have” attitude didn’t work for me. She had the wrong idea on what being a mentor is about.

A mentor shouldn’t be putting me down like the last ones I’ve had….
I don’t want someone telling me how bad it is for me and she’s doing me such a big favor and trying to rub material items in my face. Look, I’m for nice things and they are blessings. I’m not a fan of snobby people that like to constantly brag about what they have and go out of their way to show off, trying to make the person feel beneath them.

A mentor and the relationship is something I won’t force, or chase after, or be desperate for. If the connection is genuine, everything else will fall into place. How about making yourself the best you can be?

Dear Future Mentor(s),

I work on myself everyday. I’ve learned to love the process of personal growth and exciting things are starting to happen. I’ll keep doing my homework. When it’s meant to be, it will happen.

I’ll respect your time as well.


Hello! I’m Alesha! I’m a musician, actress, entrepreneur and writer. Follow on Twitter. If you like what I’m writing, give me a heart and share! :) I like hearts.



Alesha Peterson

Howdy! Entrepreneurship, fitness, music, acting, real estate, tequila & investing is sexy. Idea for an article? Input wanted! https://linktr.ee/aleshapeterson