I Wish People Would Be Transparent About These 13 Things
I wish people would normalize being lost in life and just not knowing anything. (Thank you writers.)
I wish people would normalize being lost in life and just not knowing anything. Not knowing what you’re passionate about, where you want to live, what you want to do, where you want to go — — or what lies next. As a society, we normalized going to school, finding a passion, getting a job, finding a partner, getting married, having kids, working hard to earn an honest living, but what if shit just doesn’t go that way? You really just don’t know. And what’s even worst is you don’t know why you don’t know or even where to start so you feel you failed in life. But you haven’t. It’s ok to not know. To be lost. You have your whole life ahead of you to figure things out. Patience is a virtue. There is no time limit on life.
Here’s the 13 Things In Number Form (With A Few Added Things)
#1. I wish people would normalize being lost in life and just not knowing anything.
#2. Not knowing everything (and being ok with it-And I repeat this twice because I know too many people afraid are of people not thinking they are not intelligent. I’ve found my lanes and I acknowledge what I’m smart in and dumb in, and I don’t care what others think of what I’m doing. It’s a freeing space and place to be in).
#3. Not knowing what you’re passionate about.
#4. Where you want to live.
#5. What you want to do.
#6. Where you want to go
#7. Or what lies next.
#8. You really just don’t know.
#9. And what’s even worst is you don’t know why you don’t know or even where to start so you feel you failed in life.
#10. It’s ok to not know. To be lost.
#11. It’s ok to make mistakes.
#12. It’s ok to cut toxic people out of your life (and also check yourself to make sure you’re not the toxic one…And after some honest soul searching if you are the toxic one, do the inner work)
It’s 2022 at the time of this writing, but by the time you read it, it will be 2024. I had to write a ton of content ahead of time to stay consistent despite what’s happening. 🔥🙌
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