Numerology Reading
My numerology reading is really accurate. I had this done in 2014 and it’s amazing what 5 years can do.
I hope you enjoyed the sample reading I sent you on a couple days ago.
I’ve been looking a little deeper at your numerology chart
Alesha, and here is what I have found:
I see you floating in a sea of endless time — great vistas and a
feeling of lifetimes behind and ahead of you. I get the feeling of
urgency with you Alesha, things that must be done, lessons that must be experienced. I sense the rhythm of life, the cycles we all experience.
From your “3” Life Path in combination with your “11” Soul Urge, I get the
impression that you have a pleasant personality, and are generally liked by others. You can be easily hurt at times, and as a result are more careful with displaying your feelings than you used to be.
Alesha, I sense that you are a very busy person who is always on the go. The more you have on your plate, the better. At times you wish you had less to do, but you would be totally lost if you woke up one morning and found nothing at all to do! This couldn’t happen, of course, as every time you get a space you seem to fill it up very quickly. You’ll be just as busy in late life as well … in fact you won’t get time to grow old, you’ll just simply keep on growing!
Having said that, it’s not surprising you need a break after this
past year. Let’s face it — we all need a little breathing space now
and again to re-charge our batteries. Remember to take time to
smell the roses!
Alesha, you have had a few worries recently about money, but you know you have the power to solve them. While it’s been a bit of a bumpy ride financially these past couple of years, the next 18 months or so will be a lot easier.
Looking at your Personal Days and Personal Months, you should be pleased Alesha … it shows that shortly you will receive some pleasant news. It is nothing momentous, but is sufficient to raise your sights and hopes. It is good news.
I sense a period early on in your life — teenage years perhaps -
when you felt misunderstood, as if you couldn’t really get close to anyone, as it you are walking on the outside of life. These
feelings very occasionally reoccur.
You are a very special person Alesha. The experiences you undergo are all for a very special purpose, one I’m sure you are not aware of yet. Nevertheless, you are progressing in exactly the right direction. Your timing is good and you are learning from every experience. I don’t know if you believe in reincarnation, but I get the feeling that you are a highly evolved person, as if you have lived many times before. In time you will have much to offer the rest of us.
Romantically, it has not always been easy, and your outlook on life has changed because of this. The future is much easier in this regard than in the past.
Alesha, you have sometimes wondered if you have made the right decisions at times, and it looks as if you have. You work best when you make your own mind up on things, though it is useful to ask other people for advice before you make your own mind up.
I see some travel in your future, and several new horizons
beckoning. Your progress in this world has not always been as fast as you would like, but I can see significant growth in the future. You tend to feel you have a lot of unused capacity, and that people don’t always give you full credit for your abilities.
I can see you happy and productive in your old age, surrounded by friends and family. You are of above average intelligence, and will keep on learning all the way through life.
Alesha, this is just the smallest glimpse of what
numerology can show you about your past, your present, and your future. I have something truly exciting I’d like to share with you, where you can get a “sneak peek” into the surprising future that awaits you — get all the juicy details here.
Yours in Numbers,
Mike Madigan
“I get the
impression that you have a pleasant personality, and are generally liked by others. You can be easily hurt at times, and as a result are more careful with displaying your feelings than you used to be.”
Yep. I don’t trust easily at all. I’m open when I know that you won’t use my secrets to sell me down the river. Damn straight Mike. I gave people way too many chances and then found out they stabbed me in the back. And they thought I was stupid enough to keep telling them information! And worst they kept trying to dig up dirt on me to see how far they could take it. Trust means THE WORLD to me. Violating my trust is very hurtful. I’m not hard to please, and I don’t trip over petty stuff. I’m not a jealous type. Easily hurt isn’t the right word, more like over time. I kept many secrets for friends and family over the years. If you tell me not to say anything, I won’t. When I keep a secret for you all I ask is the same respect in return (AND NOT TO BE SOLD OUT FOR YOUR AGENDA, which was over something stupid, or getting a job or getting in a friend group). And my business email just deleted on me without notice. My trust will continue to remain low and slow.
Alesha, I sense that you are a very busy person who is always on the go. The more you have on your plate, the better. At times you wish you had less to do, but you would be totally lost if you woke up one morning and found nothing at all to do! This couldn’t happen, of course, as every time you get a space you seem to fill it up very quickly. You’ll be just as busy in late life as well … in fact you won’t get time to grow old, you’ll just simply keep on growing!
Preach. I’m always learning something new. In a week, I recorded new music, filmed a commercial and wrote 4 blog posts in three days of that week. I’m also in the process of teaching myself a few languages and a few new instruments. Um yeah. I was in the hospital and oh the time I couldn’t workout or do something else DROVE ME BATTY. I don’t take life for granted or do I want to sit on my lazy ass all day. 200 miles per hour or bust.
Having said that, it’s not surprising you need a break after this
past year. Let’s face it — we all need a little breathing space now
and again to re-charge our batteries. Remember to take time to
smell the roses!
Alesha, you have had a few worries recently about money, but you know you have the power to solve them. While it’s been a bit of a bumpy ride financially these past couple of years, the next 18 months or so will be a lot easier.
Looking at your Personal Days and Personal Months, you should be pleased Alesha … it shows that shortly you will receive some pleasant news. It is nothing momentous, but is sufficient to raise your sights and hopes. It is good news.
At the time in 2014, my school did take away my scholarship after I told them my friends passed away, a few of my family members passed away, and being labeled and stereotyped in my major.
I wrote about it here:
Dealing with that pressure sucked and the people around me wasn’t nice about it. After having a few better life experiences after school , I’m convinced that they were happy to see me fall from grace that hard and I was taken for granted and highly disrespected. After that I learned not to trust anyone outside my self for money (except my mom sometimes). It would be nice to have more people that I can turn to for help but it is what it is.
My thoughts: “Ay better yourself so you don’t have to go through this again, Alesha. Depending on people financially got you in this position, so f*** it up so much aka be successful so you don’t have to go through this again. Your school or government gives zero f**** about you. Save yourself.”
Might be a different way of motivating myself but it works.
And if you know anyone that lost someone to suicide or anything else, be there for them but do not blame them. I already had questions swirling around in my head, like am I a bad friend for not noticing more? If I put aside my school issues for a few could I have helped keep them here on earth? To be put in a position where I FELT LIKE I was blamed for my friends' death by my college wasn’t cool. I think about my friends all the time. I wonder what they would be doing if they were still living.
You should be pleased Alesha … it shows that shortly you will receive some pleasant news. It is nothing momentous, but is sufficient to raise your sights and hopes. It is good news.
VERY PLEASED MIKE. Yes, the March before I left school I got into Talent Fusion. I started my first portfolio of businesses three months after leaving. I became a Huntington Post contributor. I recently read that my articles average between 5,000 to 10,000 reads on Medium which is INSANE. It’s like I accomplished more in the past 5 years than all of my 20 years of school (grade school, high school, college) combined.
I sense a period early on in your life — teenage years perhaps -
when you felt misunderstood, as if you couldn’t really get close to anyone, as it you are walking on the outside of life. These
feelings very occasionally reoccur.
Yes. I have light-skin long hair and people were not nice then, and sometimes now. The lengths they went to tear me down was real low, and all it was? Jealously. I never gave them a free pass for that because no matter what, you should treat people the way you want to be treated. Just because someone is different than you does not give you the license to be mean to them. I didn’t fit in the stereotypes that people wanted me to be, and they tried to jack me up for it. Instead of accepting me for who I am/was, they wanted me to fit their mold to make themselves feel better. Being the only child, I like doing things on my own quite a bit. I’m not going to hang around toxic people to say that I have friends. I’m not suggesting go through life without friends, but I not that desperate. If I gotta go my own trail for a little bit to find the right clan, so be it!
You are a very special person Alesha. The experiences you undergo are all for a very special purpose, one I’m sure you are not aware of yet. Nevertheless, you are progressing in exactly the right direction. Your timing is good and you are learning from every experience. I don’t know if you believe in reincarnation, but I get the feeling that you are a highly evolved person, as if you have lived many times before. In time you will have much to offer the rest of us.
Good to know in 2014! :D I’ve been told that I’m years ahead of my time by many people. Thanks for the details! Hopefully I lived around the dinosaurs (if humans lived back then haha), cavemen times, 300 BC when Julius Caesar was around, in 1325 during the protestant revolution, 1800s during the Revolution and wait. The wild wild west seem like it would be a fun time to live in lol.
Romantically, it has not always been easy, and your outlook on life has changed because of this. The future is much easier in this regard than in the past.
You on one Mike. #1. I’m not too trusting. #2. And some of the things guys tried to do over the years was very disrespectful (too many to list, shit!) and I’m not gonna settle just to say I have someone. #3. If I end up single for the rest of my life cool. I don’t give a f***.
Alesha, you have sometimes wondered if you have made the right decisions at times, and it looks as if you have. You work best when you make your own mind up on things, though it is useful to ask other people for advice before you make your own mind up.
Hey Mike. Remember the part where I say I was the only child. Um yes I do make my own life decisions without reporting to anyone. Not sorry! I have asked other people for pointers sometimes!
I see some travel in your future, and several new horizons
beckoning. Your progress in this world has not always been as fast as you would like, but I can see significant growth in the future. You tend to feel you have a lot of unused capacity, and that people don’t always give you full credit for your abilities.
You tend to feel you have a lot of unused capacity, and that people don’t always give you full credit for your abilities.
- Yes I travel often for music, acting, and business. I can be anywhere in the US at any given moment to shoot a project. I know I’ll be traveling all over the world here soon.
2. YES MIKE. I felt this way in school at the time of this reading in 2014. I knew that I was being overlooked and taken for granted in some of the organizations I was involved in and it made me heated. I knew I was destined for more and demanded more. I realized this 3 months after college. Some of my experiences and successes made me realize “wait, my capacity wasn’t being used then, but it’s sure in the hell being used now.” “they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to discourage me. I can be what I put my mind to.” This is not meant to be cocky, I set my intentions to make a impact.
The way I see it? Whom much is given much is required.
I can see you happy and productive in your old age, surrounded by friends and family. You are of above average intelligence, and will keep on learning all the way through life.
Mike you trying to make me feel real good about myself. Above average intelligence? And yes I’m learning something new regularly.
You should get a numerology reading.
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Hello There! I’m Alesha! I’ve been involved in different businesses in several different capacities from being ceo, coo, co-founder, and more. I’ve learned so much from creating businesses, and I look forward to all the learning experiences I will have from starting new ventures. 2019 I’m excited to announce that I’m going to add more businesses to my portfolio. STAY TUNED! I’m going to introduce them sometime next year!
With one business I was involved with, we made it possible to install a little device with customized hardware and a SaaS solution implemented to the router, the business owner was able see live data about social media info collected.
With another company, we had professional internet marketing company that focus on digital marketing campaigns, services and jobs such as SEO, PPC, Online Reputation Management, and social media marketing.
With EYT, I oversaw day-to-day operations and keeping the CEO apprised of significant events;Yes I actually talk with my business partner on a daily basis. I created operations strategy and policies; Communicated strategy and policy to employees and interns; Fostering employee alignment with corporate goals; and overseeing human resource management. I also delegated tasks to my team.
With Bones’ Custom Guitar. We created custom guitars for musicians with imported wood. No one Bones’ guitar is the same.
The Wish Benefit Concert is a concert founded by Ayana Carter, Mel Sexton and Alesha Peterson. It’s privately held at Riley Hospital For Children.