Start Up Probs I’ve Learned About & How To Avoid Them In 2019

Alesha Peterson
6 min readJan 1, 2019

Here’s what I learned from other entrepreneurs and general advice that I’ve found very helpful. Every start-up I’ve ever been involved with is a learning experience. I may add more to this later in a Part 2 post so definitely stay tuned!

Start-Up Problem: Not talking with your customers often enough.

Solutions: Communication with your customers several times a week with valuable, educational content. For some businesses, they talk with their customers several times a day and it works for them. Most of them look forward from hearing from you because they pay for your services, they want to learn from you. If they haven’t bought from you yet, they may make the decision if you add enough value to them.

Start-up Problem: Not offering different prices, services and products for customers to buy.

Solutions: Some customers have multiple needs. By having a lower price, mid price, and higher price product, you have a chance to reach a wider range of customers if you offering up sell. If your customer bought your 1st product, they may be interested in the second or third.

Start-Up Problem: Time management

Solutions: Time is indeed money.

Start Up Problem: Productivity Management

Solutions: Developing productivity habits is huge. If you build routines and do them around the same time, they will be habit, and it will come to you naturally and you will automate yourself. It won’t feel like a chore!

Start Up Problem: Not taking enough rest breaks (I’m guity of this)

Solutions: Working hard is great, but learning how to work smart is better.

Your business should give you more life, not suck the life out of you. Are you getting the money to have the life you want? ? Is the business giving you the lifestyle you want? Are you able to take weeks off and you can still maintain your current lifestyle?

Unplug when you take time off, completely cut ties with your business when you are relaxing. When you do this correctly, you come back more focused and with more energy for your business. No cheating, which means during your break no checking emails! Make it a habit to mix in both small breaks and bigger breaks.

Start-up Problem: Not learning New Material

Solutions: Never stop learning and be open to growing. As I said above, every start-up is a learning experience no matter how much experience I have. For one company I was founder/ceo but in another a company was moved up (keeping in mind that I’m also an actress, if a role requires a lot of time, I took it on while a partner took time of and vice versa.)

I’ve learned in every different role I’ve ever been in. I’ve worn many different hats and it’s all been very educational!

Start-up Problem: Biting Off More Than You Can Chew

(I’m also guilty as charged for doing this. )

Overloading yourself with information leads to burnout and you forgetting a lot of information. By taking smaller steps it’s easier to stay on track so you can build each part of your business. It builds momentum & keeps you progressing at a steady rate.

Start-up Problem: Pursuing an idea that you are not passionate about.

Solution. Loving what you do builds momentum, and when times get difficult, having passion toward it will keep you around for the long haul. If you are in it just for the money or you think it’s a good idea and you don’t have a passion for it, the business may be finished before it starts. It takes a lot of energy to build a business, make sure your heart is in it.

Start Up Problem: Not using a business model period. And on top of that, not using a business model that works.

Solutions: Not using a business model that works burns most new startups. There are many more ways that don’t work out than the ways that do work out

Start-up Problem: Trying to reinvent the wheel when you don’t have to

Solutions: Not proving your business model, and trying something new being a new business startup can be costly. Use a proven business model that works at first. After being successful several times and fully understanding how it works, then it’s okay to attempt something you haven’t done before.

Start-Up Problem: Shifting from an employee mindset to am entrepreneurship mindset

Solutions: Getting paid for the results you produce vs showing up to do your work. It takes a different kind of mindset to run a business.

Start-up Problem: Making a business that only one person can run

(Confession, being the only child growing up I do find it hard to trust people because I’ve had so many break my trust. While I agree with this cold heartly, I’m conflicted as I write this because I have run some businesses on my own at the beginning, and as it grew I delegated it to other people.)

Solutions: By making an exit strategy as you create, you avoid getting caught in your company if you decide to escape or start other companies. Creating systems and processes that others can use ensures the long term success of your startup, even if you are not around.

Start-up Problem: Not growing your business

Solutions: Focus on money making activities and Improving the product and the marketing to get more customers is something to focus on.

Start-up Problem: Not using the right kind of marketing

Solution: Use marketing that you can measure right now. Don’t follow what other companies are doing, find a marketing strategy that works for your company.

Start-up Problem: Not knowing which headlines to use

Solutions: Changing your words in your headlines can change your response from customers and lead to more sales.

Start-up Problem: Not putting enough automated systems in place.

Solutions: Take advantage of automation services that free up your time. That way you can focus on money making activities

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Hello There! I’m Alesha! I’ve been involved in different businesses in several different capacities from being ceo, coo, co-founder, and more. I’ve learned so much from creating businesses, and I look forward to all the learning experiences I will have from starting new ventures. 2019 I’m excited to announce that I’m going to add more businesses to my portfolio. STAY TUNED! I’m going to introduce them sometime next year!

With one business I was involved with, we made it possible to install a little device with customized hardware and a SaaS solution implemented to the router, the business owner was able see live data about social media info collected.

With another company, we had professional internet marketing company that focus on digital marketing campaigns, services and jobs such as SEO, PPC, Online Reputation Management, and social media marketing.

With EYT, I oversaw day-to-day operations and keeping the CEO apprised of significant events;Yes I actually talk with my business partner on a daily basis. I created operations strategy and policies; Communicated strategy and policy to employees and interns; Fostering employee alignment with corporate goals; and overseeing human resource management. I also delegated tasks to my team.

With Bones’ Custom Guitar. We created custom guitars for musicians with imported wood. No one Bones’ guitar is the same.

The Wish Benefit Concert is a concert founded by Ayana Carter, Mel Sexton and Alesha Peterson. It’s privately held at Riley Hospital For Children.



Alesha Peterson

Howdy! Entrepreneurship, fitness, music, acting, real estate, tequila & investing is sexy. Idea for an article? Input wanted!