Taking A LONG Term View Of Your Business

Alesha Peterson
3 min readJun 6, 2018

Hey! Do you know what the one main reason people fail in online business?

Because they take a short-term view.

They get started, generate some leads, don’t make any sales and they walk away — maybe after just a few weeks. Why keep putting time, effort and money into something that’s clearly not working?

I’ll tell you why. Because you can’t know your true return until 6 months to a year later.

Let me explain. With the business I’m involved in, the following scenario is not uncommon.

You might promote a live event a month in advance and get some people to register. Then, when they go along to the event, they don’t buy anything.

You could conclude they’re not interested and your marketing campaign has failed, or you could take a different view. Those people clicked on your ad because they had an interest. If you keep in contact with those leads and keep that spark alive, maybe they’ll eventually buy something.

Maybe two months later they’ll buy something for $2,000, and four months later they’ll buy something for $30,000.

I hear stories like this all the time with the business I’m involved in…

If you judged your campaign from the short-term results after just a few weeks, it would have looked like a failure. But if you take a long-term view, it can turn into an amazing success.

I tell you this for a reason. If you want to get involved with the same business I’m involved with, you need to be warned.

This business is NOT for short-term thinkers!

If you’re going to judge your results after just a week or two, you’ll be disappointed. Customers take their time to make buying decisions — sometimes months.

But if you learn how to stay in touch with your customers over the long-term, it’s possible to make a very good living.

Hello There! I’ve been involved in different businesses in several different capacities from being ceo, coo, co-founder, and more. I’ve learned so much from creating businesses, and I look forward to all the learning experiences I will have from starting new ventures.

With one business I was involved with, we made it possible to install a little device with customized hardware and a SaaS solution implemented to the router, the business owner was able see live data about social media info collected.

With another company, we had professional internet marketing company that focus on digital marketing campaigns, services and jobs such as SEO, PPC, Online Reputation Management, and social media marketing.

With EYT, I oversaw day-to-day operations and keeping the CEO apprised of significant events;Yes I actually talk with my business partner on a daily basis. I created operations strategy and policies; Communicated strategy and policy to employees and interns; Fostering employee alignment with corporate goals; and overseeing human resource management. I also delegate tasks to my team.

My current project is Bones’ Custom Guitar. We create custom guitars for musicians with imported wood. No one Bones’ guitar is the same. We also repair guitars. Jared, my band mate came up with the idea and foundation for Bones’.

Long story cut short. I’ve been playing gigs and booking shoots. My go to guitar, Blu Blu broke during this. When I went to get it repaired in Indy getting it fixed cost way more than the actual cost of the guitar.

It didn’t seem right. After talking with other musicians in Indianapolis, Chicago, Nashville and other cities for second opinions they thought the shop was trying to pull a fast one. So our mission is to offer fair prices for repairs and custom guitars for fellow musicians.

We are both Indy & LA based.

My biggest project currently? I’m also involved in entertainment as an actress, founder, and producer. We are currently producing 2 film projects with one of them having 1 million in financing.

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Alesha Peterson

Howdy! Entrepreneurship, fitness, music, acting, real estate, tequila & investing is sexy. Idea for an article? Input wanted! https://linktr.ee/aleshapeterson