What it’s really like to be a Reverend of a church

Alesha Peterson
9 min readJun 11, 2023


When, in fact, a few churches actually recognizes you as a reverend….thoughts on my 2 year anniversary

Really at first, I thought it was a joke. (and on some level I still do).

But then when I started getting offers to marry folks. I’m like whatttt. Are you serious? Literally I’m the person that you hire to take tequila shots with, not marry, but teach is on. Lmfao.

When the gigs started to come in, I’m like these mf got to be kidding me. Lmfao.

If you looked at the first article I wrote, I laughed about this so hard I had to go pee. Damn folks, really me a reverend? Have you been in tune to all the rebelling I’ve been doing lately?

If you been reading up on me, I’ve been having a lot of successes and breakthroughs. This reverend thing isn’t something I’ve really been thinking about or focusing on, but here’s a few lessons. And no, more in likely, I won’t be using Reverend Alesha any time soon. Hahah.

Oh by the way, I’m in a time crunch, and these quotes will be made into an individual article at a later date.

  1. The mistake most of us make is trying to be liked by others.



focusing on truly liking yourself.

And, I don’t mean the fake psych yourself up to fool yourself that you are awesome.

Sure, the world wants everyone to believe they’re awesome.

The reality is, we all aren’t.

We aren’t born awesome, and we don’t get an automatic awesome badge in real life.

Let’s assume we all have the same definition of awesome. Being good at what you do, excelling, focused, a worker, caring about others, so on and so forth.

Well, awesome takes work.

Most are so worried about appearing awesome so people will like them, that they overlook what it takes to actually….. be liked.

What if they don’t like me?

What if they say no?

What if they laugh at me?

What if they diss me?

These kinds of questions you ask yourself are all built from fear.

Fear exists in those that are unsure.

Being unsure comes from not really being secure with who you are.

You see how this is a trickle effect?

Everything starts from the roots, the foundation.

When you don’t go deep enough or build strong enough, everything above it becomes unstable and collapsible.

You must start with building a solid you.

Who you are, what you stand for, why you exist.

What is it you want people to think or feel when they think of you.

Now, there will always be people who will not like you. It doesn’t matter how happy, smart, good looking, or successful you are. In fact, those things could be the reason they don’t like you.


When you focus on liking you over worrying about if others like you or not, you develop an internal power that can not be broken by anyones words or actions.

When YOU truly like YOU,

The absence of anyone else’s “liking” you holds no weight on your self worth or confidence.

The trick is, building a YOU that you will truly like.

Not, tricking yourself to like YOU despite building a you to like.-Clinton Sparks

2.) People not being able to figure me out is not my problem.


Yet, so many are affected by others negative words or feelings towards them.


If anything, you should feel bad that they don’t have the ability to see the greatness in you, or that you can provide.

And, if they were as great as they feel they are, they would recognize your greatness.

Others not being able to recognize your value or greatness is their deficiency, NOT yours.

Where yours would come in, would be letting their opinions of you supersede your own.

Listen to my approach that has helped me achieve success and happiness, over and over again.


You will@never be able to avoid haters or non-believers but, you can learn how to not be affected by then.-Clinton

Anytime they can’t figure me out? Or how I’m able to do multiple things at once? They don’t get it. And it’s not up to me to make sure they get it. They figure, since I can’t do multiple things, how can he/she do multiple things.

Even a recent horoscope said:

Over the next couple weeks, you’ll be in rare form, cranking out brilliant, creative work in record time. Your thinking will be clear and innovative, but don’t slow down to explain things to people who will never be able to grasp them. Step into your power and position yourself as a leader in your field.

They can’t grasp what I do. I just do it.

It’s not my job to help you figure out your gifts and talents. Which leads to my next point.

3. Most focus on wanting somebody else’s so bad, they never take the time to discover their own.


Everybody has a superpower. The problem is, most focus on wanting somebody else’s so bad, they never take the time to discover their own.

When I started my career, I would watch the best, but not to see what they were doing so that I could try to do that too.

I watched them to see what they may be doing wrong, or what they may be missing out on.

I still do this today.

Everyone doesn’t have all the answers, and everyone doesn’t win the same way.

You can learn from those that have had success, but you shouldn’t aim to copy them.

Those that have left a mark on the world, that are revered as a legends, or have others wanting to actually listen to what they have to say, didn’t just copy or follow what someone else did, they led.

Led with originality, hard work, being different.

We need more leaders and less followers

So if you want others to follow you, then stop following others and start leading.

And, it starts with leading yourself.-Clinton Sparks

I could quote Clinton all day because a lot of what he says is very accurate. People in my age group are so much into one-upping each other trying to compete with each other that they lose themselves in the process.

Some of them are so focused on what others have, they don’t take the time to figure out what they really want.

Some people front so much, they forgot who they really are. Are you doing things just to impress others? Or is it something you really want to do?

#4. The reason why people fail is because they listen to their family, friends and neighbors.

There’s something consistent about those who succeed and those who flounder. I’m always amazed at how many people I talk to actively stop other people in their life from succeeding. From tearing apart their ideas, to subtly making them doubt themselves, to open attack, to refusing to support, to sabotaging, and on.

As I listen I notice this most in the middle class and again in the almost poverty level. It’s like the flame inside them went out, hopelessness took over and they want to make sure no one does what they feel they should have done once upon a time.

Here’s a refresher. If you want to make it you have walk into it strong enough to handle the storm from those closest to you or around you. They aren’t going to understand. They aren’t going to cheer you on. They aren’t going to believe it’s even possible when it is.

YOU have to be the light. The leader. The path clearer. The brave one to go first. And I know this, you can do it and so much more because your interest in growing is a calling not a passing phase. Keep moving forward.-Tab Calvitti

The reason why people fail is because they listen to their family, friends and neighbors.

Ladies and gents, no telling where I would be if I listened to family and friends. A lot of them were the main ones wanting me to mess up so they can have something to make fun of or talk about. The silence during my breakthroughs speaks volumes and it doesn’t go unnoticed.

While I do admit I am quiet lately due to medical issues, and will admit that. I do notice when something happened good or bad, a lot of my so called friends went silent. Now that I’m popping off (or it appears that way to many people I know), I’m getting support but also taking note of those who are silent. Maybe they have things going on in their lives. And maybe things are not going so great, and congratulating you is too much. Maybe they wish they accomplished it first. Maybe they thought they were supposed to accomplish those accomplishments before you, and it hits a little too close to home that you hit the finish line first. Maybe you didn’t have to work as hard for yours and they got to work 100 times as hard to get a 1/4 of what you have (like you don’t have to do nothing for attention, and you get it with ease. They can’t get attention to save their life). And it may purely just be jealousy. Whatever the case might be. Being the only child, I do not mind it much, because being in solitude is 100 times better than being around gossip, toxicity and drama. But it’s noted.

#5. Your growth scares people that don’t want you to change.

Admit it, to a certain extent, you’ve spent too much of your life trying to shrink yourself. Trying to bend in half. Trying to become smaller. Quieter. Less sensitive. Less opinionated. Less YOU. Because you didn’t want to be too much or push people away. You wanted to fit in. You wanted people to like you. You wanted to make a good impression. You wanted to be wanted. So you sacrificed yourself for the sake of making other people happy. And for years, you suffered. Let this be your wake-up call…When you choose to pull back, say less, or restrain your magnificence in any way out of fear, out of logic or, just to survive YOU suffer.

Be Unapologetically you.

It will be okay.-Tab

I hope that quote was a wake up call.

My wake up call was watching friends pass away, my medical issues, and realizing that tomorrow is not promised.

Now, if it appears to people that things are popping off left and right for me with ease?

Advice. I really stopped focusing on others. To the point where I’m in my own world. I’m disciplined to the point where if I set my mind out to do something, I will do it. I’ve mentioned this in quite a few of my articles. I’ve gotten relentless and aggressive on following through on all of my goals.

#6. Sometimes not telling people everything is a good thing.

Someone may try to ruin your goals, ideas or plans because they don’t think they could do it, so why are you trying to?

Nowadays, I’m to the point where I don’t say a word. I do it. And then announce the chess move I did later.

Check mate.

It’s 2023!🔥🙌

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Alesha Peterson
Alesha Peterson

Written by Alesha Peterson

Howdy! Entrepreneurship, fitness, music, acting, real estate, tequila & investing is sexy. Idea for an article? Input wanted! https://linktr.ee/aleshapeterson

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